Unkept Promises…

Do you intentionally lie to your customers/clients? Probably not. Most people in business strive for truth when communicating with their clients. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but in the long run…. it’s just easier. Besides, when you start making wild claims (especially about products) the government loves to get involved.

However, in business we sometimes find ourselves saying things that we don’t mean… “let’s talk about that over coffee,” or “I’d love to get together for lunch,” or even, “I wish I could do more to help you.” These are all ways of giving what is commonly referred to as the brush off. What would happen though if instead of giving that person the brush off, you actually spoke the truth? I’m not talking about hurt someone’s feelings kind of truth, I’m talking about a thoughtful response that is truthful. Maybe you really would love to get together for lunch, but you know that they always go out to an expensive restaurant (or at least one that’s not in your budget) for lunch. How about suggesting, a brown bag lunch (either from home or the deli) for lunch. I find I’m a lot more creative when I’m around lots of visual stimulation, so maybe that lunch al fresco is just what you need to work through an issue together…. and you’re more comfortable because you’re staying on budget.

Find a way to make promises that you can keep, or in the long run, you may be viewed as someone who doesn’t follow through.

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