Were they making excuses, or were they just stalling?

I was talking with someone recently who shared with me that the reason that they hadn’t created a promotional piece to market their business was because they didn’t have the money to conduct a survey to know what it was that their customers wanted and/or valued. And I thought to myself ‘say what?’!

The more I got to thinking about this, the more I was convinced that this business was falling into sink hole from which there may be no escape. . . yes, they were putting the cart before the horse. i.e. they are letting the customers dictate who they are rather than being introspective and identifying who they are. It would be akin to going through life basing your view of “who you are” on what everyone else says about you. And we all know that doing that isn’t emotionally healthy. By the same token, basing how you promote and market your business on what everyone says about you isn’t healthy for your business.

Your company is just as unique as you are. Spend some time today reflecting on what exactly it is that makes your business one of a kind!

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